Wednesday, November 2, 2011

the year so far (first marking period)

I think that generally speaking, I have a very creative personality but sometimes have a hard time expressing my ideas. Some of the techniques shown to me in art class this marking period have helped me cross some of those boundaries. I've always loved art (looking at it, making it, etc.) and I think that a year spent away from art class in our high school has made me want to make greater things than I would have before. My ultimate goal for this year in art class is to improve my overall art skills and expand my artistic mind in to new categories.

self-portrait :]

The process of creating our self-portraits started a couple weeks ago when our teacher took a picture of each of us out in the hallway. We then used that picture to create a not-so-detailed drawing of ourselves on a huge piece of paper. After we were finished with drawing, we used permanent markers to outline the lines we made in the previous step. You can see an image of this, below...

After that was finished, we traced a section of our drawings onto smaller sheets of paper so that we could have a chance to practice painting before starting the real thing. I used a green paint and a blueish purple paint while testing out colors...

Below is a close up of the color that I will use for my bigger painting...

And a close up of my eye...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


A few weeks ago we started to draw apples in class using colored pencil and here's how they turned out...

 I drew the first apple on a piece of paper that I made from a magazine transfer.

and this it the second apple I drew(on the same piece of paper)...

When we first started drawing the apples, it was a little difficult since I had never drawn so intensely with colored pencils before.  But as we progressed into the drawing, I became more and more comfortable with the colored pencils that I was using.